
From gm_construct 13 beta
Revision as of 15:48, 30 April 2024 by AG1 (talk | contribs) (Changed the ARC logo to the current used one and added 2024 april 1 details)
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The ARC logo.png

The A.R.C. logo.

Abbreviation Anomaly. Research. Center.
Allies Eagle. Detector. A.Q.R.F. JFAS-1
Enemies A.M.T.F.
Created February 24th, 19██

The A.R.C is the main research group studying the anomalies occurring inside of gm_construct 13 beta. The base made in gm_construct 13 beta was one of its first bases made for closer and more direct observation, albeit not immune to the effects of some anomalies.
Other publicly know bases are the ones located in "gm_building_construct", "gm_redden", "gm_kitchen_remaster.", there are more but their locations are classified.


Documentation of Discovered Anomalies in gm_construct 13 beta


(This list is organized by order found)


April 1st Changes

  • 2023 - The logo was changed to the PETA logo, and that's it.
  • 2024 - The logo was once again changed to the PETA logo, that's it, again.

