Templates are wiki pages whose content can be embedded in other pages. They allow for easy translations and help maintain consistency among related documents. This page describes some templates for formatting text.
Many gm13 templates are inspired by the official Mediawiki ones.
This documentation is considered incorrect and should not be used as a point of reference. It needs reviewing by someone who understands the subject matter and can fix any problems.
This page is obsolete. It is being retained for archival purposes. It may document extensions or features that are obsolete and/or no longer supported. Do not rely on any information on this page.
This page is outdated. It was written for an older version of the content and may not apply to the most recent version. If you have checked or updated this page and found the content to be suitable, please remove this notice.
{{Entity|title1=Ratman|image1=Ratman.png|caption1=The Ratman|type=Entity|nicknames=N/A|is_hostile=When annoyed|is_spawnable=No|enables_curse_detector=Yes|health=Unkillable (50)|damage=Heavy Damage but not exactly calculated.}}
{{Event|title1=Broken Vehicles|image1=20220321055554 1.webp|caption1=Broken Vehicles|type=Event|event_name=breakVehicles|summary=Vehicles break near the dark room.}}