GM13 map design

From gm_construct 13 beta

gm_construct 13 beta is a mix of almost all features dropped during the beta period of the current gm_construct, so we can't consider gm13 a true beta nor fake content. When necessary, these re-added map structures were changed to coexist harmoniously and according to modern technical GMod standards.

Here is a list of each relevant version of gm_construct 13 in terms of features, the aimed ones and the modifications made to integrate them:

gm_construct_13 (3-27-12)

  • Mirror Room
    • Circuit breaker

gm_construct_13 (3-24-12) Before Garry Suggestions

  • Initial interior of Building B
    • To improve the look of the connections with the ceiling I changed the size of the holes and positioned them to follow the line of the pillars, besides adding the border present on all floor holes. With these changes I had to slightly reposition parts of the ceiling
    • Added optimizations with hint and skip materials
    • Changed ladder to an object brush to improve gameplay

gm_construct_13 (3-27-12)

  • Bunker
    • Space under the stair to the tunnels system

gm_construct_13 (4-16-12)

  • Underground Tunnel System
    • Stretched the tunnels to fit the current map proportions
    • Removed excessive amount of entities
    • Changed the decals to others, from HL2, as the original no longer exist
    • Added optimizations with hint and skip materials
    • Added another block light wall to make the connection to the dark room even scarier
    • Added clipping brush on the stairs to avoid screen shaking
  • Bunker
    • Added clipping brush on the stairs to avoid screen shaking
  • Submarine room
    • Removed "THIS ROOM IS UNFINISHED" message
    • Improve the underwater tunnel exit to fit the current gm_construct lake depth
  • Building B Secret
    • Added lambda symbol next to the secret entry
  • Interior of building C
    • Added air, ground and hint nodes - from the bottom to the top
    • Added an extra cubemap
    • Removed "THIS ROOM IS UNFINISHED" message
    • Added optimizations with hint and skip materials
    • Added clipping brush on the stairs to avoid screen shaking
  • Automatic doors at the entrance to the dark room
    • It creates a totally sealed environment that's incredibly claustrophobic to be in, but i respect the history of the map

gm_construct_13 (4-1-12)

  • Bunker hall to the mirror room
    • To support the idea that the two were connected via tunnel, I decided to mix the environments, and the result got very natural and elegant
    • Added optimizations with hint and skip materials

gm_construct_13_TunnelTest.vmf (5-22-12)

  • Unfinished version of earth tunnels
    • I took the most worked part, next to Building B, and merged it at the beginning of the tunnel system from "gm_construct_13 (4-16-12)", also next to Building B. For this, the position of the tunnel was moved a little to the back. I also changed the size of the door to one smaller than the earth tunnels version but also bigger than the current gm_construct version, following the lines of the map.
    • Added an earth material to the tunnel walls and molded it like a tunnel
    • Lighting fixed
    • Added nodes

gm_construct_13 (7-8-12)

  • Possibility of fast zombies climbing on Building A
    • This change was an unfinished addition, incompatible with the roof added in later versions on Building A. To make it in, I added a "ravenholm pipe" to the side of Building A, near the spawn

gm_construct_13 7-23-12 (Before Garry's Changes)

  • Mirror room
    • Alien lighting

gm_construct (9-12-12)

  • Old secret/credits room in Building C
    • Changed the credits panel to the format used in the current gm_construct version
    • The room was mixed into the interior from "gm_construct_13(3-24-12) Before Garry Suggestions"
    • Room elements were kept but resized
    • Added my own information as part of the secret, as the original credits are in the secret room of the current gm_construt version
    • Added a button that starts a 10s battle event with multiple entities. Cooldown is 5 minutes

gm_construct (10-17-12)

  • "construct inc." logo
    • Positioned it a little more inside the wall
    • Removed shadow generation
    • Added 4 lights to make the logo material the same brightness and contrast as the wall
  • Fancy Skybox
    • Replaced the current gm_construct version skybox
    • Several mountains were slightly repositioned to correct unconnected materials
    • Some buildings were moved to improve visual consistency, like two of them that were just floating in the air
    • 2 buildings on a mountain received materials that were missing

gm_construct (10-12-12) gm_construct (10-23-12)

  • Secret Room
    • It was bigger
    • It had more props

gm_construct (07-21-21)

  • The official map, the basis
    • Decompiled and made compilable
    • Changed the ceiling cutout of the spawn building to solve a lighting issue with HDR
  • My improvements
    • Added some air, ground and hint nodes around Building C
    • Added helicopters path_track over Building C
    • Added many info_node_air and info_hint to improve birds behaviour
    • Added some details that you won't even notice

Note: all these modifications were made by Xalalau. The people who appear on the map credits board, other than A.R.C. members and the user who added an improved navmesh, did not contribute to the project.