Dark Room Anomalies

From gm_construct 13 beta

This page documents Anomalies that are found/discovered near The Dark Room. If i find more anomalies then i'll document them here.

Anomaly #1 - The Wall Monster[edit]

The "Wall Monster" is an Entity that gets Projected onto a Wall (the wall being unknown) for a brief second before fading out. The chances of it re-appearing are probably rare.

As much as i wanted more info on it, this seems just a detail kinda thing.

The Wall Monster
The Texture File for the Wall Monster
Type Entity
Nicknames The Man With The Bricks, The One Who Hides In The Walls.
Hostile No
Spawnable No
Cursed No

We probably need more information on the Wall Monster...

Anomaly #2 - The Funny Objects[edit]

Using the Physgun: Hovering the Funny Objects will outline their areas.
The Markdown of the Areas

The Funny Objects is called that because it consists of 2 separate entities that probably do nothing. There is a possibility that Anomaly #1 spawns in the Area, but that's to be confirmed. (if someone has a picture, video, etc of Anomaly #1, please let me know.)