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Revision as of 20:12, 2 April 2023 by RoadBlock (A Road blocker) (talk | contribs) (Green Teleporting Hammer Gordon Freeman Dummy)
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I Believe The Green Dummy I Encountered As A Entity Was A Result Of The April Fools Incident It Looks Like The Hammer Gordon Freeman Dummy And Is Most Likely A Biproduct Of The April Fools Incident And The Creator Just Forgot However I Would Like To Archive It Here With No Evidence Of Its Existence I Would Like To Go Over Some Things I Think About This Entity

First Thing About It Is It Either REALLY Likes The Spawn Points Or It Spawns Near The Player

It Appears To Disappear Randomly And Go Somewhere Else Before Frequently Disappearing For Good Until next Time

The Entity Also Seams to Appear When Semper Is Around (not Confirmed Yet)

It Makes No Noise From What I Observed Unlike The Other Entities I've Encountered (or Could Just Be A Coded Clone Of semper)

To Anyone That Wants To Edit This To Make It More Accurate Or Add More To This From What They Have Seen Or Figured About It Is Free To Do So.