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ARPUC logo 1.png

In shadows.

Abbreviation Anomaly Research and Practical Use Center
Description Organization logo.

What or who is ARPUC?

ARPUC is a group of people owned and controlled by Errdenal and COUNCIL. Current relationship with all factions is neutral because not a lot of interactions with them has happened.

ARPUC is usually covering all their operations and researches, preferring to stay in shadows to keep the public calm. So far only two operations were leaked. "Unmimiced" which lead to almost full Prop Mimics extinction, including destroying all, but one, Mother Mimics. "Apocalypse" which lead to complete extinction of Zpawners(and as someone said - the greater danger has came instead of them though info is not confirmed yet).

No info about any anomalies that are used by ARPUC is known. But it was confirmed that before the Glitchtropia appeared ARPUC had a cloning machine that was later destroyed because Glitchtropia started using it.

ARPUC members

There are four kinds of ARPUC soldiers that were revealed:

1: Guard. Usually guards zones of operations and ARPUC outpost. Sometimes used as police officers.

2: Low-rank soldiers. Usually seen patrolling main ARPUC bases and are the ones who deal with anomalies that have low danger level.

3: Mid-rank soldiers, field researcher. Usually seen dealing with dangerous anomalies and researching unknown dangerous anomalies. Have been the main force that was used in "The P.O.R.G Conflict".

4: Elite soldiers. Kill squads of ARPUC, killing the most dangerous anomalies or helping researchers.

Standard equipment

|Optional will have a "?" next to it|

Guard equipment:

  • MP-5?
  • Glock-17/Revolver
  • Stun Baton
  • Flashlight
  • Radio
  • Reprogrammed manhack?
  • Gasmask
  • Kevlar armor

Low-rank soldier:

  • MP-5
  • Glock-17
  • Flashlight
  • Grenades?
  • Radio
  • Standard military armor

Mid-rank soldier:

  • Revolver
  • Stun-baton
  • RPG?
  • Portable Reprogrammed turret?
  • Radio
  • Flashlight
  • Flare gun
  • Gasmask
  • [CLASSIFIED] armor

High-rank soldiers:



All other info is classified. Have a great day!



ARPUC guard.png

One of us.

Description Just a photo of a ARPUC Guard.

Low-rank Soldier
ARPUC Soldier1.png

One of us.

Description Just a photo of ARPUC low-rank soldier.

Mid-rank Soldier
ARPUC Soldier2.png

One of us.

Description Just a photo of ARPUC mid-rank soldier.

High-rank Soldier
ARPUC Soldier3.png

One of us.

Description Just a photo of ARPUC high-rank soldier.